August Calendar


August is kind of a slow lazy month and so is this calendar’s page. The main picture is from the time on Santa Cruz beach, Also the small one on the right was from the final sun set.

The smaller photo is from the salt water marsh by Fremont CA, taken on the same trip as last month’s Calendar Picture and January’s pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge .

As many travelers to the west cost from the east coast, I was awake REAL early in the morning. On many trips to San Jose, I saw the marsh, and knew of Coyote Creak. I thought why not get up and walk out onto the marsh, before sun rise, to get photos of the sun rise.

I came prepared, I had not only a headlamp, but a headlamp with a RED LED and a WHITE LED. The RED gives you light to see, but, your eyes do not adjust to it like white light, so you can quickly readjust to the dark night.

Off I go at 5am to get the sunrise. walking from location marked ‘4’ below, I made it to location 68, then to 11, on to 4, then 28 where I took the photo of the sun rise.

The walking was slow, as it was DARK once I entered the park, and needed to flip on the iPhone every so often to make sure I did not miss important turns.

As I moved pass location 68 the path moved from a small road to a narrow walking path, and it was a bit slow.

This is a close representation of the conditions, dark, but you could keep your direction as the lights of Fremont was on one side, and the water gave a shinny look, and you could see it.

The photo to the right was taken around location 28, as I arrived. I made it BEFORE sunrise!

To the upper left of location 28, you can see two trees. this is a little island in the marsh where power line towers are placed.


This would be the location to wait for sun rise. At 42F degrees it was not ‘cold’ as it was irritating to wait for the sun. I did bring that head lamp, but not the right close to stand in a marsh before dawn.



Sunrise was spectacular. I really enjoyed watching the sun come over the Eastern Hills of Silicon Valley. With the sun up I could walk, with confidence, back to the hotel and get a few more pictures;


Now, as Paul Harvey would say, THE REST OF THE STORY…………………..

Now back to that, head lamp and the early trek into the marsh.

Next time I think I will make more noise, and might want to carry some protection. Though I did not see or hear anything concerning, when I started the journey back over that small foot path, I found interesting paw prints in the mud.

Clearly these were made many days before when the ground was wet, but, in hindsight, walking around with a red laser dot on my head with a very large CAT that might wanted to chase the RED LIGHT was probably a bad choice.


If you travel for business, take time to enjoy the parts of the world that your company puts you in.



About the Author

Kevin Cossaboon

A networking profesional located in Northren Virginia, USA. My hobbies are Technology and Photography. Love playing with the latest technology, and will try to post reviews of them. Also love my life long journey of learning to capture light, to trigger emotions, through photography.

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